A Visual Spiritual Discipline Using Images

Visio Divina

“Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them.” Psalm 111:2

Choose and click on a picture that you like or to which you are attracted and observe what is in the picture.
Sit with your picture and pray for the Lord to help you experience His presence.

“Imagine yourself in the scene represented in the picture” ~ What do you notice in or about the picture?
How does the picture make you feel? ~ What emotions do you sense as you look at the picture?
What are you drawn to in the picture? ~ How might God be further drawing you to Himself through this image?
What might God be revealing to you about Himself, yourself, or the world in which you live?
Spend a moment journaling or writing down what you noticed.
(Some pictures courtesy of Deby Turnrose Photography. Find her on Facebook at “Grace Framed”)

Or click for Book of Common Prayer daily reading
