Faith That Sees Further

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Hopes, dreams and expectations are often a source of excitement and at times a source of struggle in my life. As much as I try to convince myself of the lack of influence they have over me, they still seem to leave an impact. Often this impact is realized more internally than externally. In my efforts to manage perception I often try to act as though my hopes, dreams an expectations don’t matter. I try not to act too excited, or too disappointed by the future. I like to give the appearance of living attuned to the present, but I’m afraid I long for something more. Not satisfied or content with the blessing and encouragement of the present moment, I look ahead for the next possibility of encouragement or try to defend myself against the next disappointment. I believe this may be one of the underlying roots of the restlessness of my soul. I am reminded of Saint Augustine’s words, “Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.” Possibly, to move through the restlessness I need to look forward to something different, something more.

In reading the eleventh chapter of Hebrews I am reminded of faith and its manifestation in the lives of God’s people, a people defined by their faith. In Hebrews 11:13-16, the writer says this:

“All these died in faith, without receiving the promises, but having seen them and having welcomed them from a distance, and having confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. For those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a country of their own. And indeed if they had been thinking of that country from which they went out, they would have had opportunity to return. But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for He has prepared a city for them.”

I’m amazed with people who were able to have faith, even when their hope, dreams and expectations were not fully realized in their lifetime. They continued to trust. Rather than returning to whatever their life and country had been before, they chose to look forward to a better country, a better life, one that could only be fully realized and experienced beyond this earth, in the presence of God.

One of the interesting dynamics of the story of Abraham and His descendants is that God continues to remain faithful to His promise to Abraham, long after Abraham is dead and buried. I believe that whatever the blessings experienced by Abraham in his lifetime, they were not the full extent of God’s blessing promised to him. There was something better to look forward to. The promised blessing of God transcended any concept of existence that Abraham might have had. God’s promise was such that it expanded the boundaries defined by earthly existence. His transcendent promise opened the door into a larger realm of existence often unseen, but always present. In a sense the earthly definitions and perspectives of life were being swallowed up by the larger realities of heaven, all because of God’s promise and faithfulness.

I find that my restlessness of soul is meant to lead me somewhere. It is meant to lead me beyond this life to the life to come. I am called to look forward to something that exists beyond what the world offers. My tendency though is to want to return to the old country, to this world, and gain contentment from what I find here. It carries with it much disappointment, discontent and eventually, just greater despair.

Abraham’s hopes, dreams and expectations were larger because they were based on God’s promise, which was larger and more expansive than anything Abraham could have imagined. And though God’s timing in various occasions might have proved frustrating, Abraham still chose to believe that God would be faithful to His promise with something more expansive than the stars in the sky or the sand in the sea. And in those moments where Abraham’s own faith faltered and his restlessness became evident, God continued to be faithful. God remained present to Abraham on the journey, faithfully providing along the way, always with the promise of something greater still to come. Abraham continued to look forward beyond what earthly eyes could see.

Though I can easily become enamored with hopes, dreams and expectations tethered to this world, Jesus invites me to let go and receive the promise of something transcendent and eternal that is far more rewarding. He invites me to begin the journey into the heavenly realm now with my “faith eyes” looking forward to all that lies ahead as His promises are fulfilled and realized in the fullness of His presence. May you know the hopes, dreams and expectations of the transcendent promise that God has for you this day and may you find power in Christ’s great grace to let go of what is temporal of this life to receive the eternal kind of life He offers. May you enjoy and further be encouraged by the following song.

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